Salim Mbarushimana is an employee of IGNITE POWER Rwanda, serving as the distribution director. IGNITE POWER is a company that specializes in selling solar-based equipment. The company was founded in 2016 with the primary objective of working with the government to solve the energy power issue in the country. Salim and his team aim to provide reliable and affordable energy solutions to people who live in areas with hard-to-access electricity.
The decision to use solar energy was a strategic move to provide people with equipment to help them daily, particularly lighting and farming. IGNITE POWER’s products are manufactured by partners from different countries, such as China, Swiss, and Germany. The products are then sent to Rwanda, where they are sold to the public.
One of the key products that IGNITE POWER offers is the solar irrigation system. This system uses a panel of 400 watts and can pump up to forty-five liters (45Ltr) in a minute. It is designed to help farmers increase productivity by using solar energy-based machines. The machine is put on a trolley to make it easy to move around when irrigating different farm parts. The best part is that it does not require any petroleum or gas, making it a cost-effective solution for farmers.
Another popular product is the solar TV, an excellent hydroelectric power alternative. The TV works anywhere there is sunshine and comes with long-lasting batteries lasting up to eight hours. Customers can also pay for the TV in installments over three years, making it accessible to many people.
IGNITE POWER also offers a solar panel of 12 watts that mainly helps vulnerable people living in areas without electricity. The solar panel has a torch to help people walk at night, a radio to listen to the news, and three lights that can be plugged into the TV. Customers can purchase these products from the IGNITE POWER headquarters at Kimuhurura in the Gasabo district or through the company’s agents in different districts. They can also order online through RwandaMart’s website.
Salim and his team at IGNITE POWER Rwanda are committed to providing innovative and reliable energy solutions to people in the country. They are proud to offer solar-based equipment that is cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Customers can trust that they receive quality products designed to improve their lives. Now available at RwandaMart.