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Seller Fees & Packages

Seller fees and packages refer to the costs and options associated with selling products or services on Rwandamart online marketplace. Here are some our components for seller fees and packages


  • Listing Fees: Not fees charged for listing your products and being On-boarded your business on our marketplace
  • Commission or Transaction Fees: Rwandamart charge 5% percentage on each successful sale made through our platform. This fee is typically a percentage of the sale price.
  • Subscription Fees: Not fees charged for subscription-based packages that provide additional benefits or features to sellers. These packages may include free shipping, access to premium tools, enhanced customer support.
  • Advertising Fees: Rwandamart charge 100,000Rwf per 3 months for advertising options to sellers, allowing them to promote their products or services to a wider audience.
  • Website development fees: Rwandamart Team can help you to build same Platforms like rwandamart and the charges are negotiable. Feel free to contact our E-commerce Team via +250 79 194 5679 or

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